Maria Imaculada Marques Nogueira

Director – Brazil

Maria Imaculada (MAC) Nogueira is a Consultant at The Alta Group Latin American Region in Brazil. MAC is an expert in operational structure, from feasibility study and policies to the processes and procedures in adherence to foreign and local regulatory agencies. She brings this deep knowledge and more than 20 years of experience in medium and large multinational institutions to Alta clients.

Prior to joining Alta, MAC Nogueira was Statutory Director of Banco CIT Brazil for 16 years, and Director of Banco AMEX and Credit Manager at Midland Bank. In her work, she was material to increases in portfolio quality, managed low delinqueny ratios, and supported the growth of the institutions in Brazil. She was also member of a Fiscal Council. After the sale of Banco CIT Brazil, MAC Nogueira served as Fiscal Council of The Instituto de Responsabilidade Civil do Hospital Sirio.

MAC Nogueira holds MBA in Finance by INSPER – SP, a Major in Economics by Faculdade de Ciencias Economicas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and a Major in Accouting by Faculdades Integradas Tibiriça – São Paulo. MAC is fluent in Portuguese, English and can speak Spanish.